Welcome to CCOC-Kunshan.
This blog shows our efforts on Connecting Classroom Online Community project. Kunshan Elematray School is located in Tainan City, Taiwan with around 2,000 students.

Feb 23, 2012

Our Live in Taiwan--Stephanie Tao

1:What is your favourite food? A1:My favourite is spaghetti and chocolate.
Q2:What do you eat at the full moon festival? A2:My family and I eat moon cake and shaddock .
Q3:Which foods do you not like? A3:I dislike to eat onions.
Q4:Which Chinese or English foods do you eat at restaurants? A4:I eat spaghetti in the restaurant.

Q1:How many classrooms do you have? A1:Our school has sixty-two classes.
Q2:Do you have more boys or girls in your school? A2:We have more boys.
Q3:Do you have a school uniform? What is it like? A3:I have school a uniform.It is like dress.
Q4:What is your favourite subject? A4:My most favorite subject is society.
Q5:How do you get to school? A5:My mother drives the car to school by me.

3.Games at home
Q1:Do you read any English books? A1:Yes,I can read some English books.
Q2:Do you have a computer at home? What is it called? A2:Yes,I have.It is MIB.
Q3:What is your favourite game? A3:My favourite game is play video games.
Q4:Which board games do you play? A4:I play Chinese chess.
Q5:Who lives in your house? A5:My family only.
Q6:What is your house like? A6:My house looks like palace.

Q1:Is it always sunny in Taiwan? A1:Not always.
Q2:How hot is it in your country? A2:It is centigrade thirty in summer.
Q3:Do you ever have any rain? A3:Yes,we have some rain.
Q4:Do you have snow in the winter? A4:No,we doesn't have sonw.


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