Welcome to CCOC-Kunshan.
This blog shows our efforts on Connecting Classroom Online Community project. Kunshan Elematray School is located in Tainan City, Taiwan with around 2,000 students.

Feb 14, 2013

Gifts Galore From Taiwan

After the Malaysian teachers' visit to Kunshan, they brought back a lot of gifts for the pupils, compliments from Kunshan's pupils. Here you see Temerloh Jaya's pupils pouring over the many gifts and having fun with them!! It was a chance for them to understand the games and activities the
Taiwanese kids indulge in during their free time! Thank you, Kunshan!!


Anonymous said...

Did you like the gift?

zhimeng said...


wesley Huang said...

Nice to meet you

willy said...

Welcome to Kunshan!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I'm happy that you like it.

Hank said...

Nice to meet you!

Cloudia (覓雪) 的部落格 said...

My gift is Pencil Case.
It is Hakka Pencil Case.
Did you like it?

Xin Yu Tsai said...

Do you like my gift?

Cloudia (覓雪) 的部落格 said...

My gift is Pencil Case.
it is Hakka Pencil Case.
Did you like it?

陸怡凱 said...

WElcome to Taiwan

Bill Huang said...

It's happy to see you wrote that.By the way,do you like I gave you gift?

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