Welcome to CCOC-Kunshan.
This blog shows our efforts on Connecting Classroom Online Community project. Kunshan Elematray School is located in Tainan City, Taiwan with around 2,000 students.

Nov 7, 2013

I Am ( by Linda )

I am a diligent girl and I am 11 years old .

I hear the wind blow through leaves .

I see some kids buying breakfast every morning .

I hope my community can be very clean .
I am a diligent girl and I am 11 years old .

I know how to write compisiton .

I touch my novel at night .

I worry about my school test .

I cry when I feel tired .

I am diligent girl and I am 11 years old .

I say my school is better .

I dream I can to be an English teacher when I grew up .

I try to make my math becomes better .

I hope everyone can happy everyday .

I am diligent girl and I am 11 years old .


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